
The church of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God in Jelgava accepts donations for the maintenance of the church and for the aid to destitute people who need our compassion and charity.

The Lord sends us gifts through people. Newcomers arrive in out church family, become members of the parish, pray, receive the Holy Communion and at one moment they start to feel the inner spiritual necessity to make an input in the godly work of maintaining orthodox traditions. It is understandable, because no charity can measure or outweigh the gifts of grace that one receives in the church from the Lord.

By the initiative of father Theophan and thanks to long-term efforts of the parishioners a farm was created by the church. There work people, who earlier suffered from different addictions but decided to overcome these degrading habits by way of work and prayer. No one of them receives payment of any kind. Every year the church gives food to thousands of hungry, homeless and poor people. Substantial aid is also given to children’s homes and homes for elderly. Moreover, there is a refectory where every needy one who arrives can receive help.


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